Twosret was first regent for her son Siptah jointly with Chancellor Bay. When the former died, she took the throne for herself, assuming the rule of a Pharaoh and titulary of a Queen (King's Wife). She may have continued to share the rule with Chancellor Bay. Regardless as to whether or not he officially shared the rule, he probably was the power behind the throne. It is believed by some that Bay had Twosret executed when she gave him the keys to the treasury. This coming info is provided by Diana Petersen--Thanks Diana TWOSRET (Tausert) (19th Dynasty c.1187-1185 BC) As with Nitocris and Sobeknofru above, Twosret's reign was during troubled times and lasted less than three years. She was the last Pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. Tausert was the very beloved wife of Seti II even though she was not his first wife and it is believed that it was Seti II who ordered her tomb to be built in the Valley of the Kings; an honour given to very few queens. Again the evidence is sketchy, howe...