It could be that I have been recieving this far away calls and whispers since more than 2 weeks. I recognize the calls. I know from where it comes, from this very familiar source. It arrives so vivid and clear to a degree that I could never miss even if I wanted to. It leaves me no choice but to receive and sit silently with the voice. I have nothing to say or respond. A small prayer might do. A prayer in no particular direction. At times positive direction. At others......

I just receive the galloping part gently and welcoming. Letting it join me silently to share the inner loneliness. And leave whenever it wants. I welcome it because it leaves always a trace of pain that reminds me life.

In my heart, I know the thoughts will one day stop coming. Not for anything, but the sender and receiver will be too deviated from the signal.


Anonymous said…
... thoughts intended to tune in, whisper the pain of the source, and share the loneliness of the receiver ... keep a silent company ...

tell your heart that prayers live on ... they never deviate
haal said…
afraid to say that they've already deviated.....

the hope is almost none from the endless silence.

And pain.

these combination never deviate. they live on. that i know.

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