Over dinner and a cup of Choclate Mint and apple crumble I had an interesting conversation a while back. I did not participate much other than in asking questions to clarify and understand more of the theories. I am not so much interested in economics as theories, but more and more interested in investments and linking everyhing together. This is what intrigues me. The exact theory of economics I dont grasp and usually escape from. However, its history and the 'watching' of it, interest me. I am still naiive in that, but I am getting to understand. More and more dig into it whenever I find some person who's able to trigger me into thinking 'economics'. I wonder why not since I am a big fan of numbers and curves; relations; and relations.

THroughout my life, 2 persons only were able to catch my attention in that direction. Both think alike to some degree, but I have to admit, one is more longer planner than the other. I suppose because of the nature of the job. Both are 'Earth' signs.... and I assumed always that they enjoyed my detailed, 'but(s)' questions that I ask out of curiosity. Both showed me something new; each allowing me to see ad differnt side of investment and money....and economy. Very intriguing. The reason I went on and allowed this was Trust. The trust that they both say the same theory, same analysis, different twist... I at times would test both theories against one another to see how the other will respond. I think again that I am interested in the thinking and the analysis of reaching whatever they say.

And it helped tremendously.

Back to the cup of choclate mint. He introduced me to 'Alan Greenspan'. I got hocked-up and got his book. In arabic, called after him 'Alan Greenspan'. Pick it up. It is like Poor dad, rich dad...but for grownups! I like it and it helped me understand, even on my amateur level, the various relations between 'Housing bubble', 'investment', 'stock market', 'global economy', 'globalization', 'world's economy'.

I am half through.....I got it from 'al-shrouq'... but i am looking for the english version.

Whoever interested in finance, monetry policy, economics... might find this interesting


Anonymous said…
"The Age of Turbulence?" Looks great. Diwan for the English version, any chance?
haal said…
all the chances, ya 2alby!!!!!!

Who are you? :)
Anonymous said…
:) why?
haal said…
You just remind me of someone I know to a great extend.
haal said…
btw, just got the book from Diwan Heliop if you go there. Surprisingly they have tons of it.

I find it funny that when you think of things, it happen.
Anonymous said…
Thank you. I'll got get it :)

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