Is it a relation with an object? Is it an act of pleasure driven from repetition, familiarity with the known, the 'joy of routine'? Or there is something else.
Sex can be done when we are feeling bored. Probably? A substitute feeling just to replace the boredom we are feeling. Something like eating or drinking while watching a boring seires that we have seen zillion times on television. We have nothign else to do, so why not just watch it again, in this case, have sex again. Better than nothing. A substitute? Probably, again?
Probably will continue!
Interesting post at Zoss's on a book by Rebecca Goldstein.
*The great Alberto Moravia novel, 'Boredom'
Sex can be done when we are feeling bored. Probably? A substitute feeling just to replace the boredom we are feeling. Something like eating or drinking while watching a boring seires that we have seen zillion times on television. We have nothign else to do, so why not just watch it again, in this case, have sex again. Better than nothing. A substitute? Probably, again?
Probably will continue!
Interesting post at Zoss's on a book by Rebecca Goldstein.
*The great Alberto Moravia novel, 'Boredom'
Sex boredom, and failure to perform seems to be one of the many frustration factors between couples. It shouldn't be intimidating to anyone I think.
Zoss, didnt get it. Can you elaborate? Simply though!
"Zoss, didnt get it. Can you elaborate? Simply though!"
I think Zoss means that making love is about needing & being needed more than the physical release - mattering to each other. It's the hightened sense of mutual awareness.
Zoss please correct me if am wrong. Am just speculating.
..a tight relation, how else do you think we reached 70M+!
"When in boredome, with lots of time, have sex, fcuk and scuk"
Apologies to Lennon
I personally consider all these details as silly and ridiculous. Bringing us back to our own images that we constructed around paradise and the pleasure we will find up there. But interestingly enough, sexual pleasure, or may I say, earthy pleasure.