I feel a total mental and spiritual blockage. Can't think. Yawning. Tired. Sleepy. Bored. Want to just sit somewhere and space out. Think about nothing. Talk about nothing. Have a nice company next to me with whom I do the talking with the eyes. Nice music. Nice movie. Nice musical or theatrical play. Something to wake me up. To inflict passion in me of any sort. I am dead. Like my Nietzsche I guess.


MoonLightShadow said…
Seems it's something in the air!
Mohamed said…
If you are writing this then you're not dead. And like I said before, even Nietzsche is not dead.
haal said…
Saying I am not dead, nor Nietzsche is doesnt by any means mean that we are not dead. Only the person can determine whether he/she is dead or alive. No one has the right to tell them they are or are not.

So I am dead. Not sure about Nietzsche.
Mohamed said…
Ok then, you are dead. But not to me.
haal said…
Who cares about me to you or you to me. What matters is one to oneself.

So I am dead. PERIOD.
Mohamed said…
7a'ek 3alayya.
Wonderer said…
Before I start belogging I thought that I was the only angry, bored, frustrated person on earth. However, now I am determined that, it is just as moonlightshadow said "it's something in the air" or maybe the water.
haal said…
Yes. That's it J. Absolutely, it is all about me. Tell those who dont get it.
haal said…
It is something in the blood, wonderer. In the genes. In the DNA. And fortunately, there is no magical cure.
Alina said…
I am sooo in the same mood right now, but I can't afford to space out! I have a final paper to worry about...This forced thinking is killing me!:)
Mohamed said…
" Tell those who dont get it."

Rabena yesam7ek :)
Al Sharief said…
I much wondered about your "DAHAB"
elaboration?!? Sounds like a MUST DO. Dead or alive, a must do from within you, to you, and for you.

All about you, you claim,
it can NOT possiably be ONLY you.
Yet you must do...

I say, leave Nitzsche out of this... Keep it simple (if you could)... Wishful thinking from my part that is. "We Rabena yesam7ek bardo :), in advance"

How about some real private venting...
Zettes said…
My Horrorscope said today was a 7 and I am going with that. Besides there is a nice little rain storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico that should make for some very interesting viewing on CNN.

Haal, Death implies life, life implies existence, existence is questionable at best.

Well back to the CNN Storm (aka Death and Destruction) tracker. If anyone is still feeling down, take a look - you will feel much better.
Eve said…
It's just the changing of the seasons and the new academic year. The whole country is serious these days it's just depressing, at least for me. Try to do the things you mentioned, see a play or hear a nice song or see a good movie. BTW "Cinderella man" is GREAT. So if you're looking for a serious movie... go for that one.
haal said…
You guys are awesome. Simple post like this, talking about nothing. Just blabla gets all this! :) This really deserves an LOL!

Well, there is sure something. The weather maybe. The air. Not taking life seriously but just this is the season for change together with Sha3ban (which is gaining of the changes happening in rajb according to mystics)so there are indeed movements and reaping of these changes and/or stagnations. I am serious. Semi believe in that.

Indeed in death their is life. A new life. Sure. Like that. But our problem is we die 100 fois per day yet, re-created with our same shit. Let us just try to die and for once make our death worth the pain resulting in some changes. Real ones.
haal said…
'Death implies life, life implies existence, existence is questionable at best. '

My Chris is back. Guys, this Zeeto guy is my very best friend. Cheers!The only one who knows me in person.
Alina said…
Definetely the weather! It's been raining here for the past four days and this cloudy atmoshpere is driving all uf us numb! :)
Mohamed said…
Cool. Welcome Chris. Please tell her she exists!
Mohamed said…
Also, why am I the only one happy and cheerful in this dark group!
Anonymous said…
the great haal is human after all!! j/k
haal said…
Why did you say that, Atom?
zoss said…
our problem is we die
100 fois per day
re-created with our same shit."
Anonymous said…
i don't know!! i just said it!! hope i didn't offend u!! was only teasing
haal said…

Nice post. Like it. Is it a forum kind for us to vent. Cute idea.

Atom, No offence at all. I was just curious to know your opinion only. Cool Atom! How's basketball coach treating you?
Anonymous said…
it's not the coach i'm worried about... it's the administrator :s

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