Three names you go by:
-Zeinab (just recently)

Three screen names you have had:

Three parts of your heritage:

Three things that you don't like:
-Shallow talks and arguments
-Showing off
-Lame, scared attitude

Three of your everyday essentials:
-Reading with an early cup of coffee
- working

Three things you are wearing right now:
-Old afghani bracelet
-Skirt and tshirt
-Grandma necklas

Two truths and a lie:
-I am impatient
-I am passionate
-I am lazy

Three non-physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:

-Confident enough to be himself
-Seriously cheerful and light

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
-Nice smile and sparkling expressive eyes
-Short hair (1/2 or 1)
-Neatly dressed up with a fresh shower look and smell

Three things you just can’t do:
-Wear bikini
-Be indifferent

Three of your favorite hobbies
-Horse backriding
-Snorkling, swimming (water activities)

Three things you want to do really badly right now
-A long walk or hike with a close mate
-Go to France
-Sit on a boat with a nice group, Z., S. E., and my brother

Three places you want to go on vacation
-Tunisia and Morocco

Three things you want to do before you die
-Taste the secret
-Teach my kid to use his heart & head, be a cavalry & a warrior
-Be the same inside and outside

Three ways I am stereotypically a woman
-I like decent compliments
-I enjoy beauty
-I detect fake feelings

Three ways I am stereotypically a man
-I fear commitment
-I want to over-achieve at work
-I am tempted to get physical in fights-my hands itch

One request here, whoever reads this can you please answer the same questions in the comments section or make a reference at your blog to check it there. Some of it at least.

Last but not least, I was tagged by Dalulla, and I couldnt decline her request.


MoonLightShadow said…
I've answered these questions before on my blog
LouLou said…
Three names you go by:

Three screen names you have had:
-Lala Kenza
-Moorish Girl

Three parts of your heritage:

Three things that you don't like:
-Emotional Blackmail

Three of your everyday essentials:
- A big breakfast
- My cellphone
- Praying before sleep.

Three things you are wearing right now:
-Jalabiya maghribiya - cotton, light blue with a hood.
-Favorite diamond stud earrings.
-White gold anklette.

Two truths and a lie:
-I am emotional
-I can be distrustful
-I like solitude.

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
- Height
- Nice smile
- Nice voice

Three things you just can’t do:
- Drink alcohol
- Stick to routine
- Concentrate on one thing at a time

Three of your favorite hobbies
- Reading
- Water activities(like haal)
- Cooking

Three things you want to do really badly right now
- Start shopping for a wedding dress
- Go dancing
- Go for a swim

Three places you want to go on vacation
- Kenya
- Greece
- Lebanon

Three things you want to do before you die
- Feel at peace & content
- See the world
- Have 2 children(boys)

Three ways I am stereotypically a woman
-I love shopping
-I do my nails to de-stress
-I spend too much on my hair
Mohamed said…
Sounds like y'all know yourselves too well.
haal said…
give it a shot, Mo!
Mohamed said…
Not for me Haal. Can't make such absolute statements about myself. Plus, sounds like its designed more for women :) I am thinking about the answers though, I don't know half of them.

Anyway, keep it up readers. Summarize yourselves.
MoonLightShadow said…
Mohamed, they are not absolute statements.. they might be true at the moment you wrote them.. they might be false the next day, or at least that’s what I think.
haal said…
let him go ya Moon, he cant even commit to simple statments about himself! Fazee3 fazee3 meganeneey ma3ah.
MoonLightShadow said…
LOL.. meganen Haal m3ak leeh bas ya Mohamed :D
haal said…
ana 3arfah ya oukhtheeee..min youmo meganenee el shab dah. ageloo keddah you'lee bokra, yegee bokra yo'olee imbare7.. Khalass ya shabah zaha'nee min el sanf kolloh we7yat ghalawtik ya ghaliyah
Mohamed said…
Mesh ba'olloko this is designed for women. See what it turned into. But since I'm supportive of women, and this is only indicative of the current moment and can change tomorrow (as Moon said), then I'll dig into my feminine side and give it a shot.. We ba3dein eih dah.. Dana I was originally tagged by Dalulla bardu!

Three names you go by:
- Mohamed
- (father's name)
- (family name)

Three screen names you have had:
- Mohamed
- Whick

Three parts of your heritage:
- Egypt
- Islam
- Arabia

Three things that you don't like:
- Failing.
- Dishonesty.
- Arrogance.

Three of your everyday essentials:
- Food
- Sleep
- Shower

Three things you are wearing right now:
- Pyjama pants
- Underwear
- Slippers

Three truths and three lies:
- I am passionate.
- I am objective.
- I am confident.

Three non-physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
- Being independant.
- Having interesting interests.
- Caring.

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
- Being feminine.
- Can dress well when she should dress, and is nicely casual otherwise. Apply that to manners too.

Three things you just can’t do:
- Have sexual intercourse outside of love.
- Lose faith.
- Be dishonest.

Three of your favorite hobbies:
- Jogging
- Learning
- Blogging

Three things you want to do really badly right now:
- Speak French.
- Finish that compiler book I just borrowed.
- Lose 5 Kgs.

Three places you want to go on vacation:
- Vancouver
- China
- Alaska

Three things you want to do before you die:
- Achieve what I want and contribute adequately to life.
- Raise a kid or two to be better than me, have my pros and avoid my cons.
- Be satisfied, and forgiven.

Three ways I am stereotypically a woman:
- I am answering these questions.
- My partner is very important to me.
- Think I shouldn't reveal my age or weight.
LouLou said…

"Three ways I am stereotypically a woman:"

Thought you'd change that to Three Ways I am stereotypically a man. Otherwise we girls should answer Three ways am stereotypically a man. Didn't understand it as an opposite gender qualities question.

But here's Three ways I am stereotypically a man(according to friends):
-I fear commitment
-Am emotionally attached to my car.
-Care too much about physical appearance in the opposite sex.

Come on haal let's hear it from you.
haal said…
hehehe... funny this MO's three ways he is stereotypically a woman! Cute
Mohamed said…
Loulou, I know it was supposed to be 3 things stereotypical of your own sex. But since this is designed for women, I thought I'd answer it this way. Plus, I've already changed one question, so didn't wanna change another! (changed 2 truths and 1 lie, to 3 truths and 3 lies).
Dalulla said…
i think this has been a nice experience for all of us (I think). Thanks for taking the time to do it (including Moe, and it was cute, and loulo too). I find it quite interesting and sorta informative about what kind of people we are somehow.

Of course the way we view ourselves may be different to what others think, but i felt you (haal) were very.. how can i say it, very straight forward and honest in your answers which were quite interesting and nice.
haal said…
Why would I be otherwise, Dalulla. But I am surprised how would you know I was honest and straight forward. They are simple questions, dont you think.

But I agree Mo's was the cutest.
haal said…
I am a little curious, what did u find interesting?!
Mohamed said…
Women women women. aaakh yany.. Cute eih bass! I feel like a little kitten!!
Unknown said…
What the heck is that !!??
haal said…
what the heck is this heck comment?
Mohamed said…
fada7touna 'oddam el'aganeb!
Dalulla said…
I feel u are a strong person, the daring type. The type that would try to fake others even on the net. And you said it, why would you any way?

I am used to reading very daring thoughts from your end, i didn't think you would do otherwise where these questions were concerned.

What was interesting was the diversity of self analysis by each one that went through this questionnaire. to me each person has something interesting in them. Every one has "their own" different self, non typically like another, even if there were similarities, but still different.

I find many things and people interesting in this life we are living.

What interested me most was the fear of commitment. It seems to be an ongoing trend now a days, and i believe it is justified to a great extent, but not only for men, also for women. Committment is not an easy step at all, yet it is important.
haal said…
If you people are identical, then one of them is useless!

These answers are variables. Nothing casted on iron. On the Spur of the moment. Next moment something different.
Mohamed said…
Enough personal analysis, they're just some stupid questions that don't say anything.
haal said…
You are Typical man.....

We are Typical woman....
the questions are just simple, thisis what i have been trying to say. But, hey, simple questions sometimes reveal a lot. force you to break down what you think is big to tiny pieces and reach the core!
Dalulla said…
who's you people? who are you addressing? and who is identical?
haal said…
'If 2 people are identical/same, one of them is useless.' FYI, this is a famous quote!!!
Dalulla said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Dalulla said…
Thank you for the info. so, what is the relevance of the quote here anyway? And who were you addressing. Say something straight forward for once!
haal said…
Dont u see that u are the only one always asking for explanations of things and always asking for clarification. It has nothing to do with you being accurate or wanting to understand exactly what the ohter means.

I will explain: the quote and the post means ya Dalulla, that people are different in their personality and in how they see and experience things. If we are all the same then we will be useless. Difference is a blessing and is indeed the nature of the universe, and the creature. Got it?

and yes Dalulla, as u said in the comment you deleted, 'el gahl
we7esh' and I may add, wehesh awee..

As for who I am addressing the quote to (a question u keep asking and deleting), it is to whoever.

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