We are forever haunted by this idea that jews are the enemy who is trying to destroy egypt, islam, arabs; lived and breeded on the conspiracy theory from this enemy who is monitoring us so close. Almost all flaws we have and any critical situation we attribute it to the 'Enemy' and the 'conspiracy theory. Well, this is the Egyptian vs. Jews. Now we are in a different conspiracy inside Egypt. Muslims vs. Copts... Copts vs. Muslims lest they pick on why I put Muslim first!! So the Copts are really under the impression that there is a conspiracy against them from the Muslims. Ridiculous as it is, but it is really alerting. Not only so, but the people who are really believing that are a well educated people who are suppositely enlightened. - Muslim Brotherhood are the ones who burnt cairo during the king's time! (Never heard of that...) - The Pigs were all slaughtered to destroy the christians financial situation and to annoy them and was called for by the Muslims at the pa...