'I hope the exit is joyful-- and I hope never to return.' Frida . And 'Burn it blue' keeps playing. The same song over and over again. Saying nothing but the wordless feelings that were enclosed in this very first gift of his. He did the wonders to offer it and now, like everything we shared, becomes a symbol of something. Encouraging nothing but an exit. And 'I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality', and I never lived with you my dreams. I lived with you my own reality. As I dreamt them. As I felt them. Offering you the captured ancient feelings that never left but only lived freely and painfully between my souls. Encouraged by nothing but an exit. But the night sky blooms with fire And the burning bed floats higher And she's free to fly Woman so weary Spread your broken wings Fly free as the swallow sings Come to the firework See the dark lady smiles She burns