Felix touron. 23 rue du dessous des berges. paris 13.
edition 50. 1966.

Tables des matieres:
Heureuse et belle
La vie du couple
Reflets du couple
La Maison
Economie Menagere
Autour de la Table
Savoir-virvre Moderne
La femme et le monde du travail
Loisirs et vacance
Guide Juridique et Pratique
Presence de la Femme

So this is what she has been reading alone almost 30 years ago. Alone. I found this book in her room. I have never seen it before. I opened it and in it, I found her world. Bits and pieces of little pictures she found beautiful; dried flowers, leaves and stems in the most amazing shapes and colours. Golden. Bronze. Peache and silver. Amazing.

I wonder how is it like when she was siting in this room or garden alone. Suffering from bronchites, depression, and still search for books that talk about life. Elegance and beauty. How she will bend on the ground and pick a leaf or a stem. Place it inside the book. What was she thinking?

30 years ago! When the massacre of beauty and elegance have been rupturing everything around, she still thinks of beauty. She still cares to read and learn when she hardly left home.

She died. But everywhere her presence is so vivid and vibrant. I always say that she lived in her death more than when she was alive.


Some women are born to never die. She was one of those.

To find this book after all these years is a miracle to me. To peak and find her in every page and around every word is wonderful.


Nag said…
came by your blog by pure chance..
you have a beautiful way with words.. but i wish i'd understand, i have an issue with wanting to know/understand stuff.. knowledge is my weakness!

p.s. i hate not being able to comment anonymously
haal said…
what is it in that post that you want to understand? It is pretty simple.
Safiya Outlines said…
For once that was a fairly straightforward post and that is what made it beautiful.

I used to love the way that you wrote, it was so evocative. However too often, it's like the posts are deliberately obtuse and it just reads like a spam blog. Lots of words but without any connection, either to each other or to the reader.

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