You cannot go. If you are in a love relationship, you cannot go. If you love someone in this group, then you forget the whole crowd; only one face remains. Really, you do not see anyone else, you see only one face. All the others are there, but they are subliminal -- just on the periphery of your consciousness. They are NOT. They are just shadows; only one face remains. If you love someone then only that face remains, so you cannot move.

Do not go to another object, remain with one. Remain with a roseflower or remain with a beloved's face. Remain there loving, flowing, with just one heart, with the feeling of, "What can I do to make the loved one happier, blissful?"

And when this is the case you are absent, not concerned with yourself at all, not selfish, not thinking in terms of your pleasure, your gratification. You have forgotten yourself completely, and you are just thinking in terms of the other. The other has become the center of your love; your consciousness is flowing toward the other. With deep compassion, with a deep feeling of love, you are thinking, "What can I do to make the loved one blissful?" In this state, suddenly,

Suddenly, as a by-product, the blessing comes to you. Suddenly you become centered. This looks paradoxical because this sutra says to forget yourself completely, not to be self-centered, to move to the other completely. Buddha is reported to have said continuously that whenever you are praying, pray for others -- never for yourself. Otherwise the prayer is just useless.One man came to Buddha and he said, "I accept your teaching, but only one thing is very difficult to accept. You say that whenever we do prayer we are not to think about ourselves, we are not to ask anything about ourselves. We have to say, `Whatsoever may be the result of my prayer, let that result be distributed to all. If blessing happens, let it be distributed to all.'" The man said, "This is okay, but can I make only one exception? Not to my immediate neighbor -- he is my enemy. Let this blessing be distributed to all except to my immediate neighbor."The mind is self-centered, so Buddha said, "Your prayer is useless. Nothing will come out of it unless you are ready to give all, to distribute all, and then all will be yours."


Alina said…
One does tend to get new perspectives when in love. The center of his balance moves to another person, the target of the love they feel. This is true in most cases. But is it right? When this center is later removes, as happens in too many cases, the one who is still in love in unbalanced. But is there any other healthy way to fall in love? If we're talking of controlling and educating our feelings, don't they loose their force?
bint alshamsa said…
I haven't visited this blog in a very long time but it has been the first link on my blogroll for many months, so I decided to visit. I just wanted to send a message telling you how much I consider this particular post to be a blessing to me. I needed to read this at just this very time. Thank you.

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