This post was origianlly posted on November, 16th 2005 12:46.
He was praying at his hometomw, when he asked me this question after hearing the khotba. Was such an interesting question,that I posted about. We didnt pursue it much further.

My thoughts after 2.5 years:
Surat al-rahman starts with 'Al-rahman. 3alam al-koran.' Does this tell anything?
When speaking of al-khidr, they discribed him as zu 3elm wa rahma. Any thoughts
Original Post Friday, Novemeber 16th 2005.
What is the relation between al-Rahma and the al-'ilm? Thus to say, the relation between the quality of al-Rahman, and al-'aleem?

Rahman means most compassionate.
Aleem means most knowledgables in the absolute sense of the world.

Not sure what is the relation? Have to think about it.


MoonLightShadow said…
I don't know, but first thing that came to my mind is al-Rahma is directly proportional to al-'ilm. Meaning, the more 'ilm the more Rahma.

Umm.. don't know, I don't seem to make any sense.
Gayyash said…
Some translations of the Basmala are "In the Name of Allah the Rahman the Merciful", where the translators claim that Rahman does not have a specific translatable meaning. Of course, there are others that say Most Gracious Most Merciful.

I would imagine rahma (mercy) is in the name Raheem (Ever-Merciful), not Rahman. It seems to make more sense that way gramatically. But like I said, these are just my own under-informed speculations. Also I have no ideas for your question about rahma and 'ilm. Maybe I'll ask a friend who might know and get back to you.

Nightlegend said…
May be because God knows every thing including the intentions of his creted creatures then he will be more merciful on them ,if some one makes a mistake without truly intending it then may god be merciful on him.
Rain said…
You said it all Night :) I was having same thoughts.

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