This is Mo's recommendation*. Interesting bost apout za diverent groubs in za society. I loved it. Blease go read it. Sanks! This , that , this and certainly this are interesting to dive in. I particularly like the 'mint in the Bus.' If you are one of these or those brace yourself, I suppose! Well, maybe you will actually like them, who knows! They are very well written. Moderate, thoughtful and funny.* This is an interesting one. Interesting for a total different reasons than those of Alif. Find your own judgement on the post. Hope it inspires you to say something about what I personally consider a phenomena . Zoss is absolutely AWESOME. Love her/his 'something', afraid my labelling will limit what I felt after reading the posts. Thanks! *Sorry Kayla, these are arabic posts. Check the last one, it is in English though.