I stumbled upon this Test your date which talks about body language clues that your date is attracted to you. 1. Symbolic Reaching. 'It’s when your hand is subtly reaching toward the other person.'On the other hand, if someone sits on their hands or conceals them, that indicates a lack of interest. 2.Matching and mirroring. 'It’s when your date mimics your gestures, voice inflections and patterns of communication. Their voice will speed up if yours does, or slow down with yours.' 3. Frequent Blinking. 'One of the natural responses is to get nervous and blink a lot.' 4 Distance. 'If someone’s not interested in you they’ll leave a lot of space between your body and theirs…two feet or so. But if a person sits or stands right next to you, or even 16 inches away, that reveals physical intimacy—and real romantic interest.' 5. The feet. 'Where the feet go, the heart follows. The lower portion of the body is under the least control, and the feet are the mos...