
Showing posts from June, 2005


I stumbled upon this Test your date which talks about body language clues that your date is attracted to you. 1. Symbolic Reaching. 'It’s when your hand is subtly reaching toward the other person.'On the other hand, if someone sits on their hands or conceals them, that indicates a lack of interest. 2.Matching and mirroring. 'It’s when your date mimics your gestures, voice inflections and patterns of communication. Their voice will speed up if yours does, or slow down with yours.' 3. Frequent Blinking. 'One of the natural responses is to get nervous and blink a lot.' 4 Distance. 'If someone’s not interested in you they’ll leave a lot of space between your body and theirs…two feet or so. But if a person sits or stands right next to you, or even 16 inches away, that reveals physical intimacy—and real romantic interest.' 5. The feet. 'Where the feet go, the heart follows. The lower portion of the body is under the least control, and the feet are the mos...


I wish things can be easy for me at one point, at any point. The sadness that sweeps into and from my heart is unbearable at times. The endless revolving and stumbling upon bad luck, disappointments, unrealized hopes have eaten my heart and cracked it to pieces. I am not asking for much. I am willing to give much. Everything. Just for the feeling of being safe, at home, heard and appreciated. I spent all my life alone. And I do not wish to continue like that. I wish and pray for a partner. A simple partner with whom life can be easy, meaningful and bearable. To be able to put my head on his shoulder and know that nothing else in this world will matter. I know how I would be if I am in love. Nothing harder than being alone. Knowing you can love, be loved, do the best for your partner, sacrify even with your life for his sake without him asking. I can do that. WIllingly.With no favours or thinking or calculating. It naturally flows and I am naturally willing to surround him with all I ca...


Z. had asked me to drop some stuff by his friend I. in garden city. What a nice place she has. One of the old buildings that still holds its beauty and not ruined by weird colours or rennovations. It kinda reminded me of the building Mohamed Fawzy was singing under its balcony to Laila Murad, Shahat el gharam. Not sure if it is the same one, but very similar. We sat in the balcony and ordered food. Later, her husband A. joined us. A very sweet doctor, and a very good friend of Z., his camping, fishing, diving and IC buddy. He sat there and talked about community development and his never-ending efforts to provide support to rural areas through his work and community work. Very generous giving man, actually the whole family is, even the little T. who wants to be a vet. specializing in Turtles. Very cute. I like how they treat their 7 years old son. We were talking when suddenly A. decided to show us a small trick. He brought 3 drinking bottles. He starting carving and cutting it, then ...


Issue of succession to the prophet had occupied not only the minds of historians but also the minds of the muslims living during that time. Should they have chosen 'Ali, the cousin and the son in-law of the prophet, or did they do the right choice choosing Abu-Bakr, 'Umar and then Uthman, postponing 'Ali to the very severe of times. I personally don't know. But I wish they would have never chosen 'Utham as the 3rd caliph. He did a pretty terrible job on the political front. Too many raids in too many directions with the wrong strategic decisions. I also blame him for reviving the tribal aristocracy and favouring his relatives. I think 'Ali should have just been chosen after Umar's death. In fact he was close to get appointed but the keyword was 'ajtahid be ra'yi'.


I was watching on Rotana Tarab one of Um Kalthoum's songs. Absolutely entertaining. Everything. From the music, words, way of singing, audiance, the orchestra, the setting, and... everything. I love it when the camera crusises among the audiance and you can get to see the faces. Some faces I recognize, and others I sure know. Back then, not a single woman was veiled, no? Judging from the female audiance attending haflet al-siet. Could it be because these women were relatively upper class and thus the Hijab is not their thing. Maybe. But even in the old films hardly would you find a veiled women, apart from the low-class workers, and peasants from falaheen. I don't even think that these people were putting on the veil because they were religious or not, but because it was the norm. It was the dress code that constituted part of their identity. For instance, it was very easy to recognize a falaha from fayoum from another one from Mansoura, or Qina, Alex, Behira or zagazig. Th...


I followed my friend's advice and spent a quiet night alone. Not talking to anyone. Looking at the sky. Counting the stars. The hours. The minutes. The seconds. I came from work and took a quick nap. I woke up around 8 p.m. I just felt like going out. I washed my face, pulled my hair back, put on an old jeans, an old tshirt, and a slipper. I took a book just in case I felt like reading. I didn't know where to go. I certainly didn't feel like talking to anyone or meet up with any. So I drove around for a bit. The weather was actually nice, and for some reason, it was not crowded. What happened? I chose a slightly quiet spot and parked my car. There was a nearby coffee shop that I could see from my car's side mirror. The coffee shop put the chairs and tables outside on the sidewalk, in what would roughly look like a parisian cafe. It was packed. I thought of going there, sit and get a cup of coffee but I would certainly look like a bohemian in the midst of all these dress...


Arabs are awesome. Not the oil arabs but the bedouin arabs. From the little I read about them, I just realize that these people are the micro cosmo of the entire world. They knew everything. Not sure who said that they were ignorant, not up to standards and that God sent chose to send a prophet from among the Arabs to tease the Jews and slap them on their arrogant face. Back to shame. Arabs are very famous with their tribal solidarity. Tribes were so closely knitted together, with a cheif and the members of this tribe respecting each other and swearing alleigance to their tribe. Every single individual has to be connected with some sort of tribe. No one was just roaming alone as an individual. Fulan Ibn Fulan from the tribe of X. The whole geneology of the person is rooted back to the tribe and its reputation. They function clan wise. The worst punishment of an individual is when expelled out of his clan or tribe and thus become tribeless. He either has to find another tribe that will ...


I just got the new refrigerateur yesterday and installed it as directed. My mother passed to check on it this morning and gave me the news: Fridge is not working. OUF! Why things can't just work. Well, she called the service and they will send someone tomorrow. Tomorrow I exclaimed. What the hack! Somenone told her that it is not working because it is tilted or something. Wehyat oumak! Tilted eih ya falhous enta. And the more funny thing that my mother said, 'yes, yes, it is tilted.' Tilted eih bass ya Ma! I am in a bad mood actually. So irritated. This whole weekend and today too don't want to hear any noise or anyone talking. Just want to be left alone. I really am looking forward to move out, and have my own stuff and things placed and organized the way I like. Leave something anywhere and come back to find it in the same place. Read a book and place it on a the floor on certain page and come back find it in the same position. Hate it when they close the book and p...


Early morning ambiance and weather are awesome, even in the summer. Zamalek in particular is just gorgeous at 5 a.m. Little noise. No cars. Cool weather. This morning was a little cooler than other days, and less swaming, more lethargic because everyone is just snoozing. I walked to cousins place. They are going on a diving trip for a week. Something they has been looking forward to since last year. It is an annual trip, different than his bi-weekly fishing trips. Is there any difference. Oooh yeah. Big difference. To everyone maybe, but to me they are all the same. A boat. Middle of the red Sea. Fish eating. Relaxing. I actually enjoy the fishing trips more. Could be because the group is nicer. Closer, more fun and M. just makes the best fresh sushi. Anyways, we passed by E. and then off we went to the airport. We didn't go straight to the airport, we stopped by Cilantro Korba and sat there for an hour to have breakfast. Never knew that this Cilantro is so big. Bigger than the one...




The story of the staggering birth of Jesus has always interested me. It is strange. Not just a normal story that after you hear it, you just continue with sipping your tea and eating your English cake. However, regardless the deep significance of this incident, it just passed us like a normal thing. Musalamat as our friends will comment. Sure, Jesus was born without a father. Of course, Maryam was virgin. No doubt Archangel Jabriel came to her. She shacked the palm tree. Palm and dates are good for pregnant women. They ease delivery. Ya salam welnaby sa7i7. And on and on we go talking about the palm tree and forgetting about the real 'incident'and key players. Maryam. Jabriel. Jesus. '..they say every person has some naseeb from his name' this was statment said by Doshar on my blog. Interesting statment. I agree. And this is what Maryam had from her name. The name Maryam can be divided into two parts, Mur & Yam. Yam in the Coranic/Arabic meaning means, river like ...


'Three things have been made beloved to me in this world of yours: women, perfume and prayer. As for prayers, it is my essence, الصلاة قرة عينى. Or in other translation, 'I found solace in prayer.' Nasa'i, XXXVI:1 Out of all the sayings of the prophet, I didn’t choose except this one. It speaks tons about the Prophet. On the initial look, one can’t help but notice the order of the things that was made dear to the prophet. Women? Perfume? Prayers? Doesn’t it make sense to at least have prayers come first since it signifies the connection with the Divine. Well, some people just happen to go deeper than outside image to the symbolism everything around us holds. And this is what the Bezels explained.* The core philosophy behind this hadith lies in the thought that everything in this universe revolves around the One. Everything is at its very essence a reflection of His Beauty and Face. '...and I blew into him of My spirit.' The relation of man to the Divine is a rel...


Wow. Never knew it exists until I saw it this evening. It is a huge 'electronic, IT, tech' village in Egypt built next to 6 of october. Huge huge huge. I am super impressed. I am not really into technology, but this village is impressive. Very hi-tech-wired place. I do not really know what is there, or how hi-tech it is, but it is very tech to me. Z. explained to me the 'technology stuff', which I did not get, but it sounds impressive. Anyways, I went to this mansion to attend a reception with Z. I did not really get what this whole business was about. I just thought I was in wonderland. People talking about all sorts of things, and I have no clue what on earth are you people talking about. Totally off. People talk very well. Represent their ideas in the best english, and best phrases I could ever listen to. Thought for a while that I was listening to the BBC, business hour. I am baby compared to their presentation skills, how to engage the audience. Although, I as an a...


How is history seen and written through the eyes of apologists historians? Was there manipulation in the way history was written? How reality is transformed by apologists into an idealied view of history ? *Will elaborate later, for sure. *This post is not particularly about religion.


George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China. George: Great. Lay it on me. Condi: Hu is the new leader of China. George: That's what I want to know. Condi: That's what I'm telling you. George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China? Condi: Yes. George: I mean the fellow's name. Condi: Hu. George: The guy in China. Condi: Hu. George: The new leader of China. Condi: Hu. George: The main man in China! Condi: Hu is leading China. George: Now whaddya' asking me for? Condi: I'm telling you, Hu is leading China. George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China? Condi: That's the man's name. George: That's who's name? Condi: Yes. George: Will you, or will you not, tell me the name of the new leader of China? Condi: Yes, sir. George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he's dead in the Middle East. Condi: That's correct. George: The...

C’est ta maman

Mon grand père m’a dit que j’étais prête pour voyager à une destination inconnue où je n’avais besoin de rien sauf d’avoir confiance en lui et à ses choix qu’il a faits pour moi. Bien qu’il ne m’accompagnait pas, mais il serait mystérieusement toujours la pour moi. Si j’en ai besoin, il fallait l’appeler. J’ai accepté! Le jour suivant je me suis réveillée et j’étais seule dans un sous-marin foncé et sombre. Je ne pouvais rien voir ni entendre. J’avais un peu peur mais en même temps j’étais trop curieuse. J’ai appelle mon grand père qui irai m’a rassurée et m’a souhaite un bon voyage. Le sous-marin a été conduit par quelqu’un que je ne pouvais même pas voir. Alors, j’ai commencé à entendre quelques voix, hautes et basse, douces et dures. De tous ces bruits, j’ai aime la voix du conducteur du sous-marin. J’ai commencé à attirer son attention et cherché un moyen de communiquer avec lui. Toutes les foies que je voyais quelque chose je frapperais la porte. Quand j’avais faim, je frapperais ...


I love this posting by Moon Light Shadow .


'When sacred texts and religious institutions are fixed in place and time, there is always a need to adapt to change, albeit without formally compromising that which had been declared sacred. When compelled by changed circumstances, a still vibrant community of believers will inevitably relax its critical judgment and favour instead an interpretive license with which to accomodate new realities. But, sooner or later, that effort to legitimize the present by creating a past out of new cloth will strain credulity even among the most trusting of the faithful.' J. Lassner. The death of Prophet Mohammad ended revealtion for all times. In theory, the prophet's actions were considered guidance for all muslims, not only during his time but for the many generations to come. This forced the reliance on God's last revealed text and sunna established by his final messenger. But, as with other revealed religions, neither the scripture nor historical precendent provided a viable fou...
I am so tired this morning. I can't even open my eyes. My nose hurts. Don't feel like doing anything. Want to go back to bed. Work is so slow today. SM is also down. So, everything is really sleepy. Dying to go get Z. and go eat Pizza Thomas and thomas Salad after work but today is his last day at this candle workshop that he is attending. I can't believe he goes to that stuff. Also, my mom is cooking chicken with oranges today for lunch. Night! Probably go see A. and go out to our favourite place. She is finally back from Canada. Night came and I went with A. to Sequoia. Was super crowded but later by 11 pm it started to be empty. Strange. I am surprised people leave early now. To do what? maybe to join another place. Around 10:30 or so S. joined us. She was ok. Complained about H. forever. I then saw A., our finance(s) friend, and then we saw, H., A., and A. sitting on the other side. It was funny. They knew we were here but didnt tell us they were coming. We later joined...


...had I came home from Cilantro than P. called asking if I was willing to join him to Cilantro, this time in Heliopolis. Well, I had just arrived home from the other Cilantro, however, I said yes. It had been so long since I last visited Helioplis. Why not. So, he stopped by and I drove there. Well, Helipolis is awesome. I love this place too but don't like to go there because I feel sad. Anyways, we went to Cilantro in the Korba area. The weather was actually nice and the streets were not busy. Cilantro was super crowded. P. and myself sat there surrounded by students from all kinds. Laptops, papers, notes, cigarattes (vicory mainly a new brand probably), groups studying. No one had any books, all notes. The guy sat next to me was studying english literature. Well, I joked with him and said pointing to P.'well, if you need anything you have england sitting next to you.' Not a funny joke. The table next to us from the other side sat this group of 3 veiled female students, ...


In this floating mood recently. Not really concentrating. I kinda like this mood as it makes me go slightly deeper inside. Do some reflection & revert back to flipping through some old books of mine. This time luckily I got 'my soul is a woman' by the greatest writer Schimmel, a woman I met almost 10 years ago. I went to diwan last night after Phillies. I was just planning to go sit there read a book on children that I picked up before I left to paris. I read a little in the book but I wasn't really into that for some reason. I just found it not as interesting as I thought before. I went to the sufi section, eye browsed through the books and found myself grabbing Schimmel's book. Then I went to Ed. Sa'id and bought another book of his, then to B.L and bought another two books. I think this is my usual habbit when I am desperate to read and feel like wanting to connect to a person(s) who I met and liked: Sa'id and Schimmel. But why Bernard Lewis, well, I hate...
Coincidents. Happens on blog too. Reading through my favourite blog , I found Dan writing about exactly what happened to me on that weekend. I was super surprised. Last night, after I returned back from phillies, I was feeling so pissed at something and then I found a sweet decent blogger digging out an 8 years old writing and posting it. Maybe there are some similarities in the situations, but the feelings there were exactly how I was/am feeling now. For me, inability to decide. Confusion. Trapped somehow regardless. At any rate, last night, in fact this whole week, sucked big time. I am just bracing myself from doing any irrational reaction, trying to be patient and understanding . I have to train myself to that. Will see what will happen.


If you walk in Mohamed Mazhar street you can't help but notice this lovely building on your right over looking the nile. It is not an old villa or a fancy embassy house, yet a solid building full of dignity and pride. Very different from the other houses in the neighbourhood. For me, this building has been always one of my favourites in the area. Whenever I walk up and down the street, I have to take a look and ask the bawab if there is an apartment for rent. I would love to rent in this particular building when I settle down this November, plus maybe a couple of other places, but this one in specific remains on the top of my list. What's unique about this building? Hurumah. An apartment building with a hurumah. Yes. What I consider the hurumah of a building, is this small garden that welcomes you before entering the actual building. It is usually a passage made out of huge tiles or small spanish stones velvety cutting through a garden that stands on its two sides. Usually a s...


Zoss: I've long argued that God has given us snapshots of the creation account, but it was never described in full detail. That is to say, there is room for conjectures and theories; them being philosophical or linguistic, or -indeed- in the realm of natural sciences. However, this insatiable curiosity comes with the ultimate humility in the recognition that they're all, after all, conjectures. God says in surat elkahf (18:51), what could be loosely translated as: (I have not made them witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor themselves ...); the operative word here being "witness" (ashhaddtohom), which could also be interpreted as "shown them" as in (maybe) with signs or teachings. To that effect, these efforts might always remain as conjectures, but even then I don't think they should be abandoned nor silenced. Mohamed:So can I argue that the snapshots are to help us believe (get closer), yet if the snapshots become complete pictures we d...