Told her over and again: loud voice makes me nervous. Would she listen? No. Has to shout everytime we fight. I think she either enjoys provoking me or being the victim of my short temper, and savage behaviour. After all these years, still she doesn't know me. There is sure something not right with everything and everyone. I don't really blame her. There is no real point in communicating with me. I am the son of the pharos. Doubt that she is from the same species.
Never thought I was going to enter this islamic store, or so does everyone call it in the area. Al-tawheed we al-Nour. It was quite an experience. I am heading to France this week so M. asked me for hunting pants that she can wear under her cloths in winter. She wanted them in pure cotton, and pointed me to this tawheed place. So, there I went. Upon entering the place, I thought I was transformed into this new world. A hive, except it is a lazy one. Only crowded. All the sellers are men with the praying sign on their forehead, some with long beards, the plupart majority wearing greyish short pants and weird colour shirts. You can't miss but feel that they all look the same. Of course, the sound of 'iza'et el coran al kareem' was screaming everywhere. Coran, ahadeeth, preaching, all what you want. So I headed to the women section, expecting the sellers to be women. Veiled women. Munaqaba women. Whatever. It is women section for god's sake. Never expected a man to s...