The weather here has been great for couple of days. Yesterday was the best so far. Today it is cloudy, cold and just so full of cool breeze. I love that weather. A little wintery and that's exactly what makes it beautiful. For all the reasons, not only some, it makes me feel good. Elegant weather.

So, it is a beautiful day, right? Yes. I woke up actually happy. Slept really well and woke up with a smile, the same smile that I slept on. Reason? It is just the thought that they are closely keeping each other's company this past week, intimately spending quality time together... and not only that, but getting to sleep in eachother's hug just made me so happy. I imagined them. And took great liberty in that imagniation. I am sure they are happy. I can actually feel that.

Well, me? Here? I am not as exciting as you guys there. The other little one, although hanging so close to me all day, but I cant give it the same energy that you both are transmitting. We go for long walks, beautiful scenes, lots of transportations, trains and buses, nice french vanilla (cant drink coffee :( ), cool weather. We sit in the park alot but we dont talk. I read while holding it closely, rub it to make it warm and smell its deep scent... mumble couple of words maybe he will hear it but as usual he never answers.

But apart from it all... just the thought that we are deeply connected through these beauty gems is indeed a bless!


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