'Through the first man fails, and through the later, Jesus rises!'

Beautiful. This statment meant a lot to me. When I heard it last night during 'Abd el-Wahab el-Missery's lecture. In fact, the whole lecture was unbelievable beautiful and stunning. Very inspiring. Gives you billions of thoughts to ponder upon....

I feel it is a new phase in the relation, especially after the 5 hours talk we had shortly after the conversation in Marriot.


Al Sharief said…
Lucky You...
Glad You enjoyed...

I gather that 'Abd el-Wahab el-Missery is not just a Historian , but also a signficent, High Impact Thinker.
zoss said…
"Through the first man fails"

really? In which version?
Ali said…
I'm still at a loss at how this small statment represents such a large revelation to you.

I know some information about Hawa and Mariam, but I don't see how these characters link to origins. And how Jesus fits in is another mystery. I guess I should look into this a little more.
Alina said…
Ok, Haal, get back here! Pretty please with a cherry on top! :D
haal said…
Dearest Kayla,
I will. Just a little bored from blogging. A little too busy with work. A little too bored of life. A little too disorganized. A little ........

but i will come back. i love cherry and hot choclate actually.

I miss living abroad.
Alina said…
Well, then have all the virtual cherries and hot chocolate available! Take care and have some fun! :)
Anonymous said…
Enjoyed a lot!

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